What Does a Delegate do?
Delegates are the officials of the WCA, and they are responsible for ensuring the WCA Regulations are followed during the competition. They also handle incidents and are responsible for scrambles and results. If you ever have any doubts or questions, they should be your first choice for asking.
Get to Know Your Local Delegates
Below you can find your local delegates in Oregon, Washington and British Columbia! Unfortunately, all other PNW states do not have a delegate, however these delegates are willing to travel under the right circumstances! If you are interesting in organizing your own competition, feel free to contact one or multiple of your local delegates letting them know of your interest.
Western Washington
Cailyn Hoover (2016HOOV01)
Cailyn is the PNW region lead. She was originally on the east side having delegated the majority of the Eastern WA comps, until moving to Western WA in early 2022. She has attended 80+ competitions. She continues to regularly delegate competitions all over the state. She's awesome!
Ben Royce (2015ROYC01)
Ben has been competing off and on since 2015. Starting with being a runner at his second competition, he realized that he really enjoyed volunteering, and since then he's been an active staff member at every comp he has attended.
Peter Preston (2017PRES02)
Peter became a Junior Delegate in March 2022. His favorite competition was his first competition being an organizer, SnoCo Summer 2018. Not only was world class speed solver Feliks Zemdegs there to compete, but organizing was the best part for him, helping the cubing community put on a competition. Since then, Peter has organized all of the SnoCo competitions, and helps out as much as he can at every competition he goes to. Peter has played the piano since he was 7 and helps his family teach in their thriving Music Academy. Peter enjoys playing in his church worship band, as well as accompanying local school musicals.
Adam Walker (2012WALK02)
Adam grew up in Las Vegas, where US Nationals in 2012 was his first competition. He fell in love with organizing after running a competition at his high school in 2017. While attending college for Computer Science, he became a delegate in southern California. After graduating, he moved up to Seattle and is excited to keep going to competitions in the PNW!
Rainier Feiler (2015FEIL02)
Rainier Feiler (they/them) is a 26 year old speedcuber from Washington State. They got their first Rubik’s cube for their 12th birthday and have been obsessed ever since. This June will mark their 15th year of being a cuber. They’ve taken a few breaks from cubing over the years to indulge in their other hobbies like Magic: The Gathering and online games, but started cubing seriously again about a year and a half ago. Prior to 2022, they had attended 4 WCA competitions between 2015 and 2017. In 2022; however, they came back in full force, attending 11 more competitions that year and another half a dozen in 2023 so far. Their favorite events are 3x3 and OH, but if they could add any puzzle to the WCA, it would be Mirror Blocks.
Nick Silvestri (2016SILV08)
Nick is originally from the Washington, DC area and is on the WCA Marketing and Quality Assurance teams. His favorite event is 3BLD, he rides unicycles and snowboards, and is a cat person. Look out for his pink WCA hat at your next comp!
Tripp Peters (2017PETE04)
Tripp is a delegate from Vancouver, WA. He has been competing since 2017 and has been to competitions throughout most of the region. His favorite WCA event is Pyraminx and practices diligently. Outside of speedcubing, Tripp has many other hobbies he's passionate about, including golf, pizza making, and watching his favorite sports teams.
Gabe McBee (2016MCBE02)
Eastern Washington
Chris Tabar (2017TABA02)
Chris is an original cuber, having solved his first Rubik's Cube in 1981, and watched Minh Thai compete on the "That's Incredible" TV show. He caught the speedcubing bug in late 2016 and attended his first competition in Spokane in 2017. Since then, Chris has attended over a dozen competitions and taken over as the organizer of Spokane competitions. Chris sees his mission as growing cubing in general but in Eastern Washington and the PNW in particular. Chris is a frequent participant in cubing groups on Facebook and in local meetups. He has a collection of roughly 200 cubes and counts 3x3 and 5x5 as his favorite events.
Vancouver, BC
Vianne Chang (2017CHAN47)
Vianne started cubing in high school because a couple of guys on her school bus would always solve Rubik's cubes and she was jealous that she couldn’t do it. She attended her first competition in 2017 and has been to practically every BC competition since, always trying to help out in whatever way she can. Outside of cubing, she studies Microbiology and Immunology at UBC and can be found working nights as a line cook.
Kevin Matthews (2010MATT02)
Originally from Vancouver, BC, Kevin became a delegate during his time studying at UCLA in Los Angeles, California. After receiving his Masters in Mathematics, he moved back up to Canada. Kevin is currently Ranked 2nd in MBLD and 3rd in 4/5BLD in Canada. Be sure to keep an eye out for the way he films his solves - he has a pretty clever camera stand.
Benjamin Gottschalk (2016GOTT01)
Benjamin is a delegate from the portland area. He is a wiz at square-1 previously holding a 4.75 NAR single in the event and placing 4th on the World Championship stage. He is the current Oregon State Champion for it.
Jason White (2016WHIT16)
Jason, a delegate since mid-2019 is currently located near Portland, OR. While made a delegate while located in Corvallis, he has since graduated from Oregon State University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering and Mathematics. Jason is the only cuber to have ever successfully completed two Means in 5BLD in the same competition. Not only does he have an impressive success rate in 5BLD, but he also enjoys all WCA events, although he definitely leans more toward the blindfolded events. Other than cubing, he enjoys watching movies in his free time! His favorite movie is The Dark Knight.
Alex Siedler (2007SEID01)